学术报告:SIn2Te/TeIn2Se: a type-II heterojunction as water-splitting photocatalyst with high solar energy harvesting



报告题目:SIn2Te/TeIn2Se: a type-II heterojunction as water-splitting photocatalyst with high solar energy harvesting

报告摘要: Searching for photocatalyst is crucial for the production of renewable hydrogen from water. The major limiting factors affecting the efficiency of solar fuel synthesis include; (i) light absorption, (ii) charge separation and transport and (iii) surface chemical reaction. The loading of secondary semiconductors that can act as either electron or hole acceptors for improved charge separation is a promising strategy, leading to the adaptation of a junction architecture. Using first-principles calculations within the HSE06 functional, we propose the type-II semiconductor heterojunction SIn2Te/TeIn2Se as a promising solar-driven water-splitting photocatalyst which could simultaneously overcome major limiting factors of solar fuel synthesis.





  张春小,副教授,硕导,湘潭大学bevitor伟德 光电信息科学与工程系副主任。山东淄博人,湘潭大学测控技术与仪器专业学士,微电子学硕士,凝聚态物理学博士,以优秀博士留湘潭大学工作。2017年至2018年访学于犹他大学材料系主任刘锋教授课题组,202012月至今在中科院宁波材料所钟志诚研究员课题组作客聘副研究员。近5年主要从事于范德瓦尔斯层状结构中的电子特性调控研究、关联电子材料的理论计算研究。在NanoscalePhys. Rev. BJournal of Materials Chemistry C等期刊上发表多篇论文。