

» 姓名:孙玉萍

» 系属:物理学系


» 学位:博士

» 职称:教授

» 专业:原子与分子物理

» 导师类别:硕士生导师(物理学、光电信息工程)

» 电子邮箱:sunyuping@sdut.edu.cn

» 通讯地址:山东省淄博市张店区伟德国际1946源于英国西校区#15-307

» 联系方式:0533-2786757



1.  强场激光动力学及X射线光谱学

2.  有机发光材料发光机制研究


1.    2001.09-2005.07   山东师范大学 物理学(教育) 学士

2.    2005.09-2010.07   山东师范大学 原子与分子物理 博士

3.    2008.05-2011.06   瑞典皇家工学院 理论化学 博士


1.    2011.09-2015.12   伟德国际1946源于英国 bevitor伟德 讲师

2.    2016.01-2021.12   伟德国际1946源于英国 bevitor伟德 副教授

3.    2022.01-至今      伟德国际1946源于英国 bevitor伟德 教授

4.    2017.06-2017.09   新加坡南洋理工大学 访问学者


1.    Journal of Materials Chemistry C, Journal of Physics B, Nanoscale Research Letters等期刊审稿人

2.    山东省原子与分子物理学会理事

3.    高等学校大学物理课程教学指导委员会华东地区委员





1.赵燕飞 2019届,在兰州大学继续攻读博士学位

2.   2020届,在吉林大学继续攻读博士学位

3.   2021届,在天津工业大学继续攻读博士学位

4.刘志鹏 2022届,歌尔声学股份有限公司



1.    国家自然科学基金面上项目,11974108,高能X射线光子作用下的分子反冲效应及相关X射线谱研究,2020.01-2323.1260万,参与,排名2/4

2.    国家自然科学基金青年项目,11204163,原子分子介质中自发和受激共振X射线拉曼散射过程研究,2013.01-2015.1225万,主持,已结题

3.    山东省自然科学基金面上项目,ZR2019MA020X射线自由电子激光参量优化机制及其传播动力学理论研究,2019.07-2022.0620万,主持,在研

4.    山东省优秀中青年科学家科研奖励基金,BS2013SF018,超强X射线自由电子激光在原子分子介质中共振拉曼散射过程的动力学表征,2014.1-2015.125万,主持,已结题

5.    山东省自然科学基金青年项目,11804194Ni掺杂IrTe2中类电荷密度波型结构相变及超导性质研究,2019.01-2021.1224万,参与,排名2/4

6.    横向课题,纳米纤维过滤材料的静电纺丝技术开发,2015/12-2016/109万,主持,已结题

7.    国家973子课题,2006CB806003,超强超短激光与重要形态物质的高度非线性与相对论性相互作用,2007.01-2011.12, 50万元,排名6/12,已结题

8.    国家自然科学基金项目,10974121,强双光子吸收分子材料的非线性光学参量与过程的动力学表征,2010.01-2012.1230万,排名4/8,已结题

9.    山东省自然科学基金重点项目,Z2007A02,共轭功能分子体系的光电性质研究与设计,2008.01-2009.128万,排名3/6,已结题


1.    山东省本科教学改革研究重点项目,专业认证视阈下省属综合类高校师范专业多维度实践教学体系的构建、实施与评价,主持,省级

2.    教育部产学合作协同育人项目,产学合作协同育人机制下微电子专业校内实践平台建设,主持,省部级

3.    教育部产学合作协同育人项目,微电子科学与工程专业实践课程教学改革,主持,省部级

4.    山东省本科教学改革研究项目重大子课题,山东省高校理学、工学类专业课程思政教学设计研究与实践,参与,省级

5.    山东省本科教学改革研究项目面上项目,专业认证视阈下省属综合类高校师范专业人才培养模式研究,参与,省级

6.    淄博市教育科学规划课题,核心素养下高中生物理模型构建能力的培养,参与,市级

7.    伟德国际1946源于英国《力学》校级一流本科课程,主持,校级

8.    伟德国际1946源于英国《力学》在线开放课程建设,主持,校级

9.    伟德国际1946源于英国教学团队:普通物理类课程教学团队,主持,校级








◎ 获奖

1.    山东省自然科学奖二等奖(2017年)

2.    山东省高等学校优秀科研成果奖自然科学奖一等奖(2011年)

3.    伟德国际1946源于英国第八届、第九届、第十届教学优秀奖(2017年、2019年、2021年)

4.    山东省“超星杯”第六届青年教师教学比赛优秀奖(2019年)

5.    伟德国际1946源于英国第十五届青年教师讲课比赛一等奖(2017年)

6.    伟德国际1946源于英国教学质量奖(2014-2021年连续8年)

7.    伟德国际1946源于英国最美教师(2021年)

8.    伟德国际1946源于英国优秀教育工作者(2020年)

9.    伟德国际1946源于英国第七届教书育人标兵(2019年)




◎ 指导员工获奖

1.   国家老员工物理实验创新竞赛指导员工获国家级二等奖(2021年)

2.    山东省老员工物理教学技能大赛优秀指导教师(2020年),指导员工获山东省一等奖1项、三等奖1

3.    山东省第十一届物理科技创新大赛指导员工获省一等奖1项(2019年)

4.    山东省第十三届老员工物理教学技能大赛优秀指导教师(2018年),指导员工获山东省二等奖1

5.    山东省第十届物理科技创新大赛指导员工获二等奖2项(2018年)

6.    第三届山东省师范类高校员工从业技能大赛荣获高中物理组二等奖(2015年)

7.    山东省第九届老员工物理教学技能大赛优秀指导教师(2014年)

8.  每年指导员工参加山东省老员工物理竞赛获山东省一等奖和二等奖多项


1.    《大学物理》(普通高等学校“十一五”国家级规划教材).科学出版社.2016.01,第三版

2.    《大学物理教学同步习题册》.科学出版社.2016.01,第三版



55. 发明专利,一种室温检测低浓度硫化氢气体的Pt-SnO2气敏传感器的制备方法,发明人:孙玉萍,赵燕飞,刘波,专利号ZL201910496814.1 (2022)

54. Zhipeng Liu, Shuli Wei, * Yanhui Guo, Haiyang Sun, Hao Sun, Qiang Chang and Yuping Sun*, Pressure-induced stability and polymeric nitrogen in alkaline earth metal N-rich nitrides (XN6, X=Ca, Sr and Ba): a first-principles study, RSC Advances, 11, 17222 (2021).

53. Shuli Wei , Zhipeng Liu, Yanhui Guo, Haiyang Sun, Qiang Chang and Yuping Sun*, A novel high-pressure phase of ScN5 with higher stability predicted fromfirst-principles calculations, J. Phys.: Condens. Matter, 33, 475401 (2021).

52. Shugang Tan, Chenhao Gao, Hao Yuan, Jinpeng Wu, Cao Wang, Rui Cao and Yuping Sun*, An antiperovskite compound with multifunctional properties: Mn3PdN, Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 302, 122389 (2021).

51. Hao Sun, Xiu Yin, Zhi-Peng Liu, Shu-Li Wei, Jian-Zhong Fan, Li-Li Lin and Yu-Ping Sun*, Theoretical insights on the luminescent mechanism of an efficient aggregation induced nondoped delayed fluorescence emitter using QM/MM method, International Journal of quantum chemistry, 121, e26490 (2021)

50Yu-Ping Sun*, Yan-Fei Zhao, Hao Sun, Fu-Chao Jia, Parveen Kumar and Bo Liu*, Synthesis and room-temperature H2S sensing of Pt nanoparticlefunctionalized SnO2 mesoporous nanoflowers, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 842, 155813 (2020). 

49. Yan-Fei Zhao, Yu-Ping Sun*, Xiu Yin, Ran Chen, Guang-Chao Yin, Mei-Ling Sun, Fu-Chao Jia and Bo Liu*, The 2D porous g-C3N4/CdS heterostructual nanocomposites with enhanced visible-light-driven photocatalytic activity, Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, 20 (2), 1098-1108, (2020). 

48. Quan Miao*, Zhaoyang Sang*, Yu-Ping Sun, Min Liang, Rengang Song, Erping Sun, Yan Xua, Optical dynamics of aminophenoxy substituted phthalocyanines and the covalent attachments to cadmium telluride quantum dots for picosecond pulse trains, Journal of Photochemistry & Photobiology A: Chemistry, 400, 112653 (2020). 

47. Fuxiang Zhang, Baizhuo Li, Qingyong Ren, Huican Mao, Yuanhua Xia, Bingfeng Hu, Zichen Liu, Zhicheng Wang, Yeting Shao, Zhifa Feng, Shugang Tan, Yuping Sun, Zhi Ren, Qiang Jing, Bo Liu, Huiqian Luo, Jie Ma, Yuxue Mei, Cao Wang and Guang-Han Cao, ThMnPnN (Pn = P, As): Synthesis, Structure, and Chemical Pressure EffectsInorganic Chemistry, 59, 2937-2944 (2020)

46. Shugang Tan, Chenhao Gao, Cao Wang, Tong Zhou, Guangchao Yin, Meiling Sun, Fei Xing, Rui Cao and Yuping Sun*, The tunable negative thermal expansion covering a wide temperature range around room temperature in Sn, Mn co-substituted Mn3ZnN, Dalton Transactions, 49, 10407 (2020)

45. Shugang Tan, Chenhao Gao, Cao Wang, Qiang Jing, Tong Zhou, Guangchao Yin, Meiling Sun, Fei Xing, Rui Cao and Yuping Sun*, Synthesis, structure and physical properties of the new layered oxyselenides Bi2LnO4Cu2Se2 (Ln = rare earth), Royal Society Open Science, 7, 201078 (2020)

44. Chenhao Gao, Shugang Tan*, Cao Wang, Yuping Sun, Rui Cao, Kezhen Han, Qiang Jing, Tong Zhou, Qingkuan Meng and Fei Xing, Observation of spin-glass like behavior in the layered oxyselenides La2O3(Mn1-xCox)2Se2, RSC Advances, 10, 14033 (2020)

43. Xiu Yin, Jian-Zhong Fan, Jie Liu, Lei Cai, Hao Sun, Yu-Ping Sun*, Chuan-Kui Wang* and Li-Li Lin*, Theoretical Study on the Light-emitting Mechanism of Circularly Polarized Luminescence Molecules with both Thermally Activated Delayed Fluorescence and Aggregation Induced Emission, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 21, 7288-7297 (2019). 

42. Shugang Tan, Chenhao Gao, Cao Wang, Yuping Sun, Qiang Jing, Qingkuan Meng, Tong Zhou, and Junfeng Ren, Realization of n-type BiCuSeO through Co doping, Solid State Sciences, 98, 106019 (2019).

41. Yan-Fei Zhao, Yu-Ping Sun*, Xiu Yin, Guang-Chao Yin, Xiao-Mei Wang, Fu-Chao Jia and Bo Liu*, Effect of surfactants on the microstructures of hierarchical SnO2 blooming nanoflowers and their gas-sensing properties,  Nanoscale Research Letters, 13:250 (2018). 

40. Lin Zhang, Pei Liang, Hai B. Shu, Xiao L. Man, Xiao Q. Du, Dong L. Chao, Zu G. Liu, Yu P. Sun, Hou Z. Wan, and Hao Wang, Design rules of heteroatom-doped graphene to achieve high performance lithium-sulfur batteries: Both strong anchoring and catalysing based on first principles calculation, Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 529, 426-431 (2018)  

39. Bai-Zhuo Li, Zhi-Cheng Wang, Jia-Lu Wang, Fu-Xiang Zhang, Dong-Ze Wang, Feng-Yuan Zhang, Yu-Ping Sun, Qiang Jing, Hua-Fu Zhang, Shu-Gang Tan, Yu-Ke Li, Chun-Mu Feng, Yu-Xue Mei, Cao Wang and Guang-Han CaoPeculiar phase diagram with isolated superconducting regions in ThFeAsN1xOx, Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, 30, 255602 (2018) 

38. Yu-Ping Sun*, Quan Miao, Ai-Ping Zhou, Rui-Jin Liu, Bo Liu and Faris Gelmukhanov, Suppression of resonant auger effect with chirped x-ray free-electron laser pulse, J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 51, 035602 (2018).

37. Guangchao Yin, Meiling Sun*, Yunyan Liu, Yuping Sun, Tong Zhou, Bo Liu, Performance improvement in three-dimensional heterojunction solar cells by embedding CdS nanorod arrays in CdTe absorbing layers, Solar Energy Materials & Solar Cells, 159, 418-426 (2017).

36. Yu-Jin Zhang, Yu-Ping Sun* and Chuan-Kui Wang*, Optical limiting and dynamical two-photon absorption of porphyrin with ruthenium outlying complexes for a picosecond pulse train, The European Physical Journal D, 70(1), 1-7(2016). 

35. Q. Miao, O. Travnikova, F. Gel’mukhanov, V. Kimberg, Y.-P. Sun, T. D. Thomas, C. Nicolas, M. Patanen, and C. Miron, Rotational Doppler Effect: A Probe for Molecular Orbitals Anisotropy, J. Phys. Chem. Lett. 6, 1568(2015).

34. 刘瑞金,孙玉萍,飞秒脉冲激光在V型有机分子介质中的动力学表征,原子与分子物理学报,32839 (2015). 

33. 刘瑞金,商晖,孙玉萍,萘分子器件电输运性质的理论分析,功能材料与器件学报,20, 37 (2014).

32. 刘瑞金,孙玉萍44-对苯巯基醚分子器件的几何结构及其电学性质的研究,低温物理学报36, 305 (2014). 

31. Y.-P. Sun, Q. M, A. Pietzsch, F. Hennies, T. Schmitt, V. N. Strocov, J. Andersson, B. Kennedy, J. Schlappa, A. Fohlisch, F. Gel'mukhanov, and J.-E. Rubensson.  Interference between resonant and nonresonant inelastic X-ray scattering, Phys. Rev. Lett 110, 223001 (2013).

30. V. Kimberg, A. Lindblad, J. Soderstrom, O. Travnikova, C. Nicolas, Y.-P. Sun, F. Gel’mukhanov, N. Kosugi, and C. Miron*. Single-Molecule X-Ray Interferometry: Controlling Coupled Electron-Nuclear Quantum Dynamics and Imaging Molecular Potentials by Ultrahigh-Resolution Resonant Photoemission and Ab Initio Calculations. Phys. Rev. X 3, 011017 (2013).

29. 刘瑞金,孙玉萍,电场对14-苯二甲氰分子电输运特性的影响,计算物理,30, 936 (2013).

28. 刘瑞金,孙玉萍,1,4-苯二甲氰分子的电子结构及其电输运性质的研究,低温物理学报,35, 277 (2013).

27. C. Miron, C. Nicolas, O. Travnikova, P. Morin, Y.-P. Sun, F. Gel’mukhanov, N. Kosugi, V. Kimberg. Imaging molecular potentials using ultrahigh-resolution resonant photoemission. Nature Physics, 8, 135(2012).

26. A, Mohammed, Y.-P. Sun, Q. Miao, H. Ågren, and F. Gel’mukhanov. Raman Scattering at Resonant or Near-Resonant Conditions: A Generalized Short-Time Approximation. Chin. J. Chem. Phys. 25, 31(2012).

25. Q. M, H.-J. Ding, Y.-P. Sun, F. Gelmukhanov, and C.-K. Wang, Numerical analysis on optical limiting performance of a series of phthalocyanines for nanosecond pulses, J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 45, 085402 (2012).

24. Y.-P. Sun, F. Hennies, A. Pietzsch, B. Kennedy, T. Schmitt, V. N. Strocov, J. Andersson, M. Berglund, J.-E. Rubensson, K. Aidas, F. Gel'mukhanov, M. Odelius, and A. Fohlisch, Intramolecular soft modes and intermolecular interactions in liquid acetone, Phys. Rev. B 84, 132202 (2011).

23. Y.-P. Sun, Q. Miao, A. Mohammed, H. Ågren, and F. Gel'mukhanov, Shortening scattering duration by detuning purifies Raman spectra of complex systems, Chemical Physics Letters 511, 16 (2011). 

22. Y.-P. Sun, A. Pietzsch, F. Hennies, Z. Rinkevicius, H.O.Karlsson, T. Schmitt, V. N. Strocov, J. Andersson, B. Kennedy, J. Schlappa, A. Fohlisch, F. Gel'mukhanov, and J.-E. Rubensson, Internal symmetry and selection rules in resonant inelastic soft x-ray scattering, J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 44, 161002 (2011)

21. A. Pietzsch, Y.-P. Sun, F. Hennies, Z. Rinkevicius, H.O.Karlsson, T. Schmitt, V. N. Strocov, J. Andersson, B. Kennedy, J. Schlappa, A. Fohlisch, J.-E. Rubensson, and F. Gel'mukhanov, Spatial quantum beats in vibrational resonant inelastic soft X-ray scattering at dissociating states in oxygen, Phys. Rev. Lett 106, 153004 (2011).

20. J,-C. Liu, C. Nicolas, Y.-P. Sun, R, Flammini, P. Morin, V. Kimberg, N. Kosugi, F. Gelmukhonov and C. Miron, Multi-mode resonant Auger scattering from the ethene molecule,J. Phys. Chem. B, 115, 5103 (2011). 

19. Y. Zhou, Q. Miao, Y.-P. Sun, F. Gel'mukhanov and C.-K. Wang, Solvent effect on dynamical TPA and optical limiting  of BDMAS molecular media for nanosecond and femtosecond laser pulses, J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 44, 035103 (2011).

18. Y.-P. Sun, C.-K. Wang and F. Gel’mukhanov, Rotational Doppler effect in x-ray photoionization, Phys. Rev. A 82052506 (2010). 

17. Y.-P. Sun, Z. Rinkevicius, C.-K. Wang, S. Carniato, M. Simon, R. Taieb, and F. Gel’mukhanov, Two-photon induced x-ray emission in neon atomsPhys. Rev. A 82, 043430 (2010)

16. Y.-P. Sun, J.-C. Liu, C.-K. Wang, and F. Gel'mukhanov, Propagation of a strong x-ray pulse: Pulse compression, stimulated Raman scattering, amplified spontaneous emission, lasing without inversion and four-wave mixing, Phys. Rev. A 81013812 (2010). 

15. S. Gavrilyuk, Y.-P. Sun, S. Levin, H. Ågren, and F. Gel'mukhanov, Recoil splitting of X-ray induced optical fluorescence, Phys. Rev. A 81, 035401 (2010).

14. J.-C. Liu, Y.-P. Sun, C.-K. Wang, H. Ågren, and F. Gel'mukhanov, Auger effect in the presence of  strong x-ray pulses, Phys. Rev. A 81, 043412 (2010).

13. C.-K. Wang, P. Z, Q. M, Y.-P. Sun, and Y. Z, Optical limiting and dynamical two-photon absorption of organic compounds for a nanosecond pulse, J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 43, 105601 (2010).

12. D.-F. Liu, F.-W. Wang, K.-N. Wu, W. L, Y.-P. Sun, and C.-K. Wang, Facile synthesis, optical properties and theoretical calculation of a novel bent-shaped two-photon absorption chromophore, Physics and Chemistry of Liquids, 48, 99 (2010).

11. Y.-P. Sun, J.-C. Liu and F. Gel'mukhanov, Propagation of a strong x-ray pulse followed by pulse compression, amplified spontaneous emission and lasing without inversion, J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 42, 201001 (2009).

10. Y.-P. Sun, J.-C. Liu and F. Gel'mukhanov, Slowdown and compression of strong x-ray free-electron pulse propagating through the Mg vapors, EuroPhys. Lett. 87, 64002 (2009). 

9. Y.-P. Sun, S. Gavrilyuk, J.-C. Liu, C.-K. Wang, H. Ågren, and F. Gel'mukhanov, Optical limiting and pulse reshaping of picosecond pulse trains by fullerene C60, J. Electr. Spectr. Relat. Phenom, 174, 125 (2009).

8. 孙玉萍, 刘纪彩, 王传奎, 含时电离对分子动态双光子吸收截面的影响, 光学学报 29, 1621 (2009).

7. 孙玉萍, 刘纪彩, 王传奎, 含时电离对飞秒脉冲激光在强双光子吸收介质中传播特性和光限幅行为的影响, 物理学报 58, 3934 (2009).

6. 苗泉赵鹏孙玉萍刘纪彩王传奎超短脉冲激光在DBASVP分子中传播时的双光子面积演化和光限幅效应物理学报 58, 5455 (2009).

5. Xiao-Juan Xing, Jing Li, Yu-Ping Sun, Chuan-Kui Wang, Theoretical studies on one-photon and two-photon absorption properties of a series of dibenzothiophene derivatives, Journal of Molecular Structure: THEOCHEM 849, 116 (2008).

4. Jing Li, Xiu-Neng Song, Yu-Ping Sun, Chuan-Kui Wang, The theoretical simulation for two-photon absorption properties of novel A-pi-D-pi-A two-photon carbazole compounds, Journal of Molecular Structure: THEOCHEM 867, 53 (2008).

3. Jing Li, Yu-Ping Sun, Zong-Liang Li, Xiu-Neng Song, Chuan-Kui Wang, Ab initio study of one-photon and two-photon absorption properties of 2,5-bis[4-(2-arylvinyl)phenyl]-1,3,4-oxadiazoles, Chemical Physics Letters 464, 8(2008).

2. C.-K. Wang, J.-C. Liu, K. Zhao, Y. -P. Sun, and Y. Luo, Breakdown of optical power limiting and dynamical two-photon absorption for femtosecond laser pulses in molecular medium, J. Opt. Soc. Am. B 24, 2436 (2007).

1. 刘纪彩,赵珂,孙玉萍,王传奎,两色超短脉冲机光与级联三能级分子体系相互作用的动力学研究,原子与分子物理学报23815 (2006).


1. 基于网络可视化教学平台的普通物理实验教学模式探索,孙玉萍*,贾福超,王磊,现代职业教育,2018年第12期。