

» 姓名:李石磊

» 系属:大学物理教学部

» 学位:博士

» 职称:讲师

» 专业:微纳光学与光子学

» 导师类别:硕士生导师

» 电子邮箱:lishilei@sdut.edu.cn

» 通讯地址:山东省淄博市张店区伟德国际1946源于英国西校区#15-227

» 联系方式:


1.    微纳光学与光子学

2.    光与物质相互作用量子效应

3.    微纳激光脉冲整形

4.    金属微纳结构传感器


1.    2014.09-2018.06,北京邮电大学,电子科学与技术,博士研究生;

2.    2018.07-至今,伟德国际1946源于英国,讲师。


1.    《大学物理》、《电子线路设计》等本科生课程。


1.    山东省自然科学基金青年项目ZR2020QA070,基于表面等离激元微腔与量子体系强耦合的THz重复频率飞秒脉冲研究,2021.01-2023.1210万元,主持。

2.    国家自然科学基金面上项目, 11574035, 基于纳米光学的光逻辑运算研究,   2016-012019-12, 62万元,参与。

3.    国家自然科学基金面上项目, 11374041, 金属微纳结构中量子点的Purcell效应和荧光发射调制, 2014-012017-12, 89万元, 参与。


1.  Shilei Li; Yinxing Ding; Rongzhen Jiao; Gaoyan Duan; Li Yu*; Femtosecond pulse with THz repetition frequency based on the coupling   between quantum emitters and a plasmonic resonator, Physical Review A, 97(3): 033811(2018).

2.  Shilei Li; Yilin Wang; Rongzhen Jiao; Lulu Wang; Gaoyan Duan; Li Yu*; Fano resonances based on multimode and degenerate mode interference in plasmonic resonator system, Optics express, 25(4): 3525-3533 (2017).

3.  Shilei Li; Yilin Wang; Rongzhen Jiao; Lulu Wang; Gaoyan Duan; Li Yu*; Tunable triple Fano resonances based on multimode interference in coupled plasmonic resonator system, Optics express, 24(14): 15351-15361 (2016).

4.  Yilin Wang; Shilei Li; Jieyun Yan; Chao Li; Ping Jiang; Lulu Wang; Li Yu*; Bidirectional to unidirectional emission of fluorescence controlled by optical traveling wave antennas, Nanophotonics, 8(7): 1271-1278 (2019).

5.  Xiaokang Song; Shilei Li; Yuanyuan Chen; Yinxing   Ding; Gaoyan Duan; Lulu Wang; Li Yu*; Anisotropic-Material-Induced Rotation of Field Distribution in Circular Plasmonic Resonator, IEEE Photonics Journal, 11(1): 1-9 (2018).

6.  Yilin. Wang, Shilei Li, Yunyun. Zhang, and Li Yu, “Independently Formed Multiple Fano Resonances for Ultra-High Sensitivity Plasmonic Nanosensor,” Plasmonics 13, 107 (2018).

7.  Yunyun. Zhang, Shilei Li, Zhao Chen, Ping   Jiang, Rongzhe Jiao, Lulu. Wang, and Li Yu, “Ultra-high Sensitivity Plasmonic   Nanosensor Based on Multiple Fano Resonance in the MDM Side-Coupled Cavities,” Plasmonics 12, 1099 (2017).

8.  Yunyun. Zhang, Shilei Li, Yuanyuan. Chen, Lulu. Wang, Y. Zhang, and L. Yu, “Evolution of Fano resonance based on symmetric/asymmetric plasmonic waveguide system and its application in nanosensor,” Opt. Commun. 370, 203 (2016).

9.  Y. Wang, Shilei Li, Y. Zhang, and L. Yu, “Ultrasharp Fano Resonances Based on the Circular Cavity Optimized by a Metallic Nanodisk,” IEEE Photonics J. 8, 1 (2016).