

» 姓名:谭树刚

» 系属:物理系

» 学位:博士

» 职称:副教授

» 专业:物理学


» 导师类别:硕士生导师

» 电子邮箱:tanshugang@sdut.edu.cn

» 通讯地址:山东省淄博市张店区伟德国际1946源于英国西校区#15-308

» 联系方式:0533-2786718


1.    热电材料探索及物性表征

2.    磁性及吸波材料

3.    超导材料



1.    2006.09-2010.06,曲阜师范大学,物理学,学士

2.    2010.09-2015.06,中国科学院大学(合肥物质科学与研究院,固体物理所),凝聚态物理,博士

3.    2015.07-2020.12,伟德国际1946源于英国,讲师

4.    2021.1-至今,伟德国际1946源于英国,副教授


1.    Inorganic Chemistry, Dalton Transcations, RSC Asvances等期刊审稿人


1.    《热学》、《数学物理方法》、《大学物理》等本科生课程


1.    国家自然科学基金青年科学基金项目51802177,电荷与自选协同调控BiCuSeO热电性能的实验研究,主持

2.    国家自然科学基金项目11804194Ni掺杂IrTe2中类电荷密度波型结构相变及超导性质研究,2019.01-2021.1224万,参与,在研



1.  Shugang Tan*, Chenhao Gao, Cao Wang, Tong Zhou, Guangchao Yin, Meiling Sun, Feixing, and Yuping Sun, The tunable negative thermal expansion covering a wide temperature range around room temperature in Sn, Mn co-substituted Mn3ZnN, Dalton Transctions, 49, 10407 (2020).

2.  Chenhao Gao, Shugang Tan*, Cao Wang, Yuping Sun, Rui Cao, Kezhen Han, Qiang Jing, Tong Zhou, Qingkuan Meng, and Fei Xing, Observation of spin-glass like behavior in the layered oxyselenides La2O3(Mn1-xCox)2Se2 RSC Advances, 10. 14033 (2020).

3.  Shugang Tan*, Chenhao Gao, Cao Wang, Qiang Jing, Tong Zhou, Guangchao Yin, Meiling Sun, Fei Xing, Rui Cao and Yuping Sun, Synthesis, structure and physical properties of the new layered oxyselenides Bi2LnO4Cu2Se2 (Ln = rare earth), Royal Society Open Science, 7: 201078 (2020).

4.  Shugang Tan*, Chenhao Gao, Cao Wang, Yuping Sun, Qiang Jing, Qingkuan Meng ,Tong Zhou, Junfeng Ren, Realization of n-type BiCuSeO through Co doping, Solid State Sciences, 98, 106019 (2019).

5.  S. G. Tan, D. F. Shao, et al. CuSe-based layered compound Bi2YO4Cu2Se2 as a quasi-two-dimensional metal, Physical Review B 90, 085144 (2014)

6.  S. G. Tan,et al.  Enhanced low temperature thermoelectric performance of Ag-doped BiCuSeO,   Applied Physics Letters 105, 082109 (2014).

7.  Shugang Tan, et al. Superconducting and thermoelectric properties of new layered superconductor   Bi4O4S3, Physica C 483, 94-96 (2012).

8.  Shugang Tan, et al. Suppression of superconductivity in layered Bi4O4S3 by Ag doping, Eur. Phys.   J. B 85, 414 (2012).

9.  Shugang Tan, et al. Layered oxyselenides Sr2Co1-xMnxO2Cu2-δSe2: the evolution of magnetic properties tuned by the competed interactions, Journal of Alloys and   Compounds 598, 171–176 (2014).